

  SEQ: sequence,序列

  SF: spectrometer frequency,谱仪频率;

  O1: offset 1,漂移频率;

  P1: pulse 1【pulse 90°】,90度脉宽;

  TD: time data,时间点数据;

  DR: data radius,数据半径;

  PRG: pre-amp regulate gain,前置放大器增益

  SW: sampling bandwidth,采样带宽;

  RFD: regulate first data,射频延时;

  TW: time wait,重复采样等待时间;

  RG1: regulate analog gain 1,模拟增益;

  DRG1: regulate digital gain1,数字增益;

  NS: number sampling,重复采样次数;



  SEQ: sequence

  SF: spectrometer frequency

  O1: offset 1

  P1: pulse 1【pulse 90°】

  P2: pulse 2【pulse 180°】

  TD: time data

  DR: data radius

  PRG: pre-amp regulate gain

  SW: sampling bandwidth

  RFD: regulate first data

  TW: time wait

  RG1: regulate analog gain 1

  DRG1: regulate digital gain1

  NS: number of sampling

  TE:echo time回波时间;

  NECH: number of echoes,回波个数;

  Peaks parity:峰取点